
ФИТОФАРМ - Првата фармацевтска компанија која се приклучи и ја поддржува иницијативата за дополнителни 3 месеци со скратено работно време за родителите кои се враќаат од породилното отсуство

The pharmaceutical company Fitofarm from today with additional benefits for its employees after completing their leave of absence due to pregnancy, birth and parenthood. All employees who have used pregnancy, birth and parenthood leave after completing their regular 9 months (or 15 months for two or more children at once) will be able to work part-time for the next 3 months.

“We are pleased to join the initiative to introduce a 3-month part-time job for employees who have been absent from work due to pregnancy, childbirth and parenthood. We believe that nurturing and nurturing relationships with our employees enables successful teamwork and results. Parenting as a priority in many young people’s lives is a happy but delicate process, especially after returning to work. We support and encourage young mothers to have more organized quality time with their loved ones, ”the company owners said.

This reform is of great importance to the company as 75% of the 68 employees are women. Fitofarm is a company that this year celebrates 30 years of existence and fostering relationships with employees.


FITOFARM – The first pharmaceutical company to join and support the initiative for an additional 3 months part-time for parents returning from maternity leave

The pharmaceutical company Fitofarm from today with additional benefits for its employees after completing their leave of absence due to pregnancy, birth and parenthood. All employees who have used pregnancy, birth and parenthood leave after completing their regular 9 months (or 15 months for two or more children at once) will be able to work part-time for the next 3 months.

“We are pleased to join the initiative to introduce a 3-month part-time job for employees who have been absent from work due to pregnancy, childbirth and parenthood. We believe that nurturing and nurturing relationships with our employees enables successful teamwork and results. Parenting as a priority in many young people’s lives is a happy but delicate process, especially after returning to work. We support and encourage young mothers to have more organized quality time with their loved ones, ”the company owners said.

This reform is of great importance to the company as 75% of the 68 employees are women. Fitofarm is a company that this year celebrates 30 years of existence and fostering relationships with employees.



This year, the Macedonian Occupational Safety and Health Association celebrated April 28, the World Occupational Safety and Health Day, under the motto “PROMOTING SAFETY AND HEALTH IN A GREEN ECONOMY”
This year for the first time this event was held in the “House of Culture” in Bitola.
The marking was attended by: Representatives of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, National Coordinator of ILO in Macedonia, representatives of the State Labor Inspectorate, representatives of the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia, representatives of the Confederation of Free Trade Unions of Macedonia, President of the Organization of Employers Macedonia, representatives of the Occupational Safety and Health Association from Bitola who also took a proper word presenting the activities of their institutions regarding safety th and health.
At this event, some of the most important international collaborations and activities of MOSHA were presented and on this occasion made presentations by: Ms. Alexandra Atanasovska ILO / CIS Coordinator for Macedonia, Mr. Nikola Georgiev Ambassador for ENETOS Network in Macedonia and Mr. Mr. Ljupco Kocovski Focal Point Manager of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work.
In addition to the international activities this year, the annual report on accidents at work for 2011, prepared by MOSHA, was also presented to the participants.
Guests from our event were also present from Albania, Turkey, Bulgaria, Serbia, Kosovo and Montenegro.
At the same time, the annual awards for good practice in OSH were awarded to small, medium and large companies that were nominated this year by the State Labor Inspectorate, and the honors were awarded to the companies Fitofarm from Skopje, DesignFantasy from Skopje and Prototype from Skopje in the hope that this primacy will continue to justify successfully, and congratulate them on behalf of the entire MOSHA team.
More pictures of this event can be found at the following link from our GALLERY.


ФИТОФАРМ ги поддржа учесниците на Вардарската регата "Гемиџии 2017"

FITOFARM supported Vardar regiment “Gemidji 2017”. In particular, all participants from the scout squad “Dimitar Vlahov” – Veles and the other participants received the products intended for relaxation and sun protection. These are the following products: AFTER BITE and FITALP GEL. We would like to express our gratitude to Zito Farm for the assistance it has provided us with safely navigating the Vardar River in these hot weather.

More about FITOFARM at the following link: https://fitofarm.com.mk/

ФИТОФАРМ е фармацевтска и козметичка компанија со воспоставена репутација, која во рамките на деловното работење како клучен столб има индустриското производство и продажба на лекови, додатоци на храна, медицински помагала, хербални, козметички и галенички производи.

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